June 4 2023

See your Student Soar to New Heights!

Job Satisfaction and Choosing the Right College Major.


Have you ever wondered why some people seem to excel in their careers, while others struggle to find success in their jobs? We believe the answer lies in job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is a powerful force that can significantly impact job performance and success.

Job satisfaction is much more than just enjoying what you do. It's about feeling valued, respected, and motivated to give your best every day. When you're satisfied with your job, you're more likely to be engaged, focused, and committed to your work. And guess what? This directly translates to higher job performance.

But let’s take 2 steps back and think about this, how does this relate choosing a college major?

Job satisfaction is deeply connected to one's selection of a college major. As young students commence their educational voyage with a clear sense of direction and harmony between their human needs and preferred area of study, they lay the groundwork for a rewarding and thriving career. Let's explore how choosing the ideal college major plays a significant role in job satisfaction and ultimately impacts job performance and overall success.

1. Alignment of Needs and Interests:
Selecting a college major that resonates with one's human needs and interests is an essential step in nurturing job satisfaction and job performance. When students engage in subjects that truly captivate them, they experience profound involvement and gratification in their academic and professional pursuits. This harmony paves the way for future career paths that capitalize on their innate tendencies, leading to an elevated sense of contentment in their professional life.

2. Identification of Strengths and Aptitudes:
A well-chosen college major enables individuals to identify and leverage their unique strengths and aptitudes. By studying subjects that resonate with their abilities and human needs, students can develop a deeper expertise and confidence in their chosen field. This self-awareness empowers them to pursue careers that align with their natural talents, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment and enhanced job performance.

3. Enhanced Motivation and Commitment:
When students align their human needs and abilities with their chosen college major, they are more motivated to excel academically. The intrinsic drive derived from genuine interest propels them to invest additional effort and time into their studies. This heightened motivation and commitment during their college years lay the foundation for sustained dedication and outstanding job performance in their future careers.

4. Meaningful Skill Development:
Selecting the right college major ensures that individuals acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their chosen field. By focusing on subjects that align with their career aspirations, students can gain practical and theoretical expertise that directly translates into job-related competencies. This preparation equips them with the tools to perform at a high level, boosting job satisfaction through the utilization of their acquired skills.

5. Exploration of Career Pathways:
Choosing the right college major encourages students to explore various career pathways within their field of interest. Through internships, networking opportunities, and guidance from professors, students can gain exposure to real-world experiences and potential career options. This exploration allows them to make informed decisions about their future, increasing the likelihood of finding a career that aligns with their human needs and brings them lasting job satisfaction.

Choosing the right college major plays a pivotal role in shaping job satisfaction, job performance, and overall career success. When students align their human needs, interests, and aptitudes with their chosen field of study, they embark on a fulfilling journey that fosters intrinsic motivation, skill development, and exploration of career opportunities.

If you have a high school student, now is the right time to start talking about what major will make your student not only successful, but also satisfied as a professional.

To your student's success!


Hector from The College Major Formula

May 28 2023

Parenting in the Digital Age


 I’m sure you have been here: you are trying to enjoy some quality time with your family at the park. You look around and suddenly notice something - every child is hunched over a screen, completely disconnected from their surroundings. Familiar, right? In today's digital age, it's all too easy for our children to become obsessed with technology, leaving us as parents wondering how to strike the perfect balance between embracing modern advancements and fostering our children's well-being.

Don't worry, you're not alone in this struggle. I’m sure we have all spent countless hours trying to learn how to navigate the treacherous waters of parenting in the digital age. Today, I want to share some insights with you to help our children grow up to be happy, healthy, and well-adjusted individuals.

Step 1: Set Boundaries and Stick to Them

Just like any other aspect of parenting, consistency is key when it comes to managing your child's screen time. Establish clear rules about when and where devices are allowed, and make sure to enforce them. It may be tough at first, but your child will eventually learn to respect these boundaries and understand the importance of unplugging.
You could designate specific "screen-free zones" in your home, such as the dining room, to encourage more face-to-face interaction.

Step 2: Be a Role Model

As parents, we often forget that our actions speak louder than words. If you want your child to develop healthy digital habits, it's essential to lead by example. This means putting down your own devices during family time, engaging in meaningful conversations, and demonstrating the value of being present in the moment.
Trust me, your children are always watching and learning from you. So, let's show them that there's more to life than just scrolling through social media feeds or binge-watching TV shows.

Step 3: Encourage Offline Activities

In our tech-driven world, it's crucial to remind our children that there's a whole world outside of their screens. Encourage them to explore their interests, develop new hobbies, and engage in physical activities. This could be anything from joining a sports team or dance class to picking up an instrument or trying their hand at painting.

Step 4: Educate and Empower

As parents, it's our responsibility to teach our children how to use technology responsibly and safely. Have open and honest conversations about the potential risks and dangers of the digital world, such as cyberbullying, privacy breaches, and the impact of excessive screen time on mental health.
Knowledge is power. By equipping our children with the information they need to navigate the digital landscape, we're giving them the tools to make informed decisions and protect themselves from harm.

Step 5: Embrace the Positives

Despite its pitfalls, technology has also brought about incredible advancements and opportunities for learning, creativity, and connection. Rather than vilifying all screens, let's celebrate the ways in which they can enrich our lives and broaden our horizons.
Encourage your child to use their devices in constructive ways, such as researching a topic they're passionate about, connecting with friends and family members who live far away, or expressing their creativity through digital art or music.

I wish you and your family wonderful Memorial Day!


Hector from The College Major Formula

May 20 2023

Building Resilience in your Teenagers.



In this issue of our newsletter, we delve into valuable strategies to help your teens overcome challenges and build the resilience necessary for success in college and in life. Here are some helpful strategies:


1) Adopt a growth mindset: Encouraging your teens to develop a growth mindset is key. Help them shift their perspective from seeing obstacles as barriers to viewing them as opportunities for growth and self-improvement.


2) Develop Emotional Intelligence: Give your teens the tools they need to manage their emotions effectively. From understanding their feelings to practicing empathy, cultivating emotional intelligence is essential for building resilience.


3) Encourage risk taking: Motivate your children to strike a balance between caution and stepping out of the comfort zone. It highlights the importance of taking calculated risks and how they contribute to personal growth and building resilience.


4) Cultivate a supportive environment: Discover the importance of fostering a supportive and nurturing environment at home. Encourage open communication, active listening, and unconditional love to build resilience in your teens.


5) Build inner strength: Help them discover the power of self-care, mindfulness (no cell phones in hand), and positive self-talk to build your teens' inner strength.


Building resilience is not just about bouncing back from setbacks; it's about thriving in the face of adversity and becoming stronger. Develop that callous in the spirit that will push us forward in school and in life.


Stay tuned for our next newsletter, where we'll continue to provide you with information and actionable tips to supercharge your teen's journey to success.


I wish you and your family resilience, strength and growth!


Hector from The College Major Formula

Abril 14, 2023

Pay more attention to the what and why, not the where.

We always want our children to be successful and reach for the stars. We know that our children have the ability to do whatever they want. We really believe that. But while they have the ability to do whatever they want, that doesn't mean whatever they study will make them happy.
When we talk about their college plans, we often gravitate towards big-name schools. While there is nothing wrong with wanting our children to choose the best school, we often forget that WHAT they are going to study is as or more important than WHERE they are going to study. We also tend to forget to ask WHY they want to study that degree.

As a coach, I have seen this many times. We link the success of our children with our success as parents. “My child is going to attend _________. We are so proud " (fill in the blank). This blinds us from the really important question which is: What does my child really want to study and why?
Successful people come from all walks of life. Frustration and disappointment can be found on every college campus, no matter how prestigious. So before you start planning for a specific school, make sure your children have a clear and honest answer to the WHAT and WHY.

Here are some variations of questions you can ask your children during this conversation. Some of these questions will give you similar answers, but you can choose which one works best for you.

• What interests you about studying_______?
• Do you know what a __________ does on a day-to-day, week-to-week basis? Where did you get that information from?
• What will being a _______________ give you personally?
• Why do you think studying ____________ will give you ___________?
• Why is this degree right for you?

These are not easy questions to answer and require thought and time, but if you can find the right answers, you will be making a decision on a much more solid basis than most students.