Discover the path to career success and satisfaction

  • Save thousands of dollars and years from your children's college journey by avoiding costly changes in direction.
  • Increase their confidence in making successful decisions about their college major.
  • Eliminate the anxiety around the decision process.
  • Get clarity on your children's interests and needs.
  • Take the first step In guiding them towards a college major that will bring satisfaction and success.

Download your FREE guide and find 2 simple exercises to get you started.

Meet your new partner in success.


I'm Hector Correa, founder of The College Major Formula.

I know first hand that making decisions about college and future careers can be a daunting task for both parents and students. Just a few years ago, I was facing the same dilemma when my son was grappling with where to go to college and what to study.

And so I created The College Major Formula – a totally different way to look at the process of choosing your college major.

Drawing from my experience as a teacher, businessman, a Board Member for a highly ranked STEM high school, and professional life coach for C-Level executives, this guide has 2 essential exercises to help you with one of the most important decisions of your children's life.

Download your FREE guide and let's get started!

What other people say about

The College Major Formula

"Thanks to College Major Formula my son was able to choose his forever-major"

Daniela, mother of three college students

"College Major Formula will forever change the way you look at your career"

Evelyn, College Graduate

"It goes deeper and broader than any college counselor will ever go"

Martin, College Student